State Your Case: The Proposal

Posted by Beetle B. on Tue 11 February 2020

The two most reliable ways to persuade people:

  • Offer them solid reasons to say “yes”
  • Back those reasons up.

You don’t need to do much if people are already inclined, or if they feel they don’t know enough to evaluate it, or if they don’t care much. Just use the magic word “because”.

Reasons that point to things out of your control tend to have more weight.

When discussing your idea to a nonexpert audience, try to find a hook that appeals to them. Otherwise people may resent your expertise. This is often the case with juries. The better reasoned, better proof case will not always win.

The model to convince people PCAN:

  • Problem: A short, concise statement that defines the problem your idea sovles.
  • Cause
  • Answer
  • Net Benefits: Summarize why your idea is the best answer.

Lead with your best arguments and evidence rather than hiding them for a surprise at the end.

Primacy Effect: People remember the first few things most. But over a longer period, people will remember the last few things (recency effect). Make use of both: Start with your best points, and end with a summary.

Always keep it simple. Reduce your statement of the problem to the length of a fortune in a fortune cookie. Summarize your data in one hundred words, and your recommendations in one or two phrases.


You need to come across as a passionate advocate, while still appearing objective.

If the audience thinks you are biased, you will lose credibility. This is likely going to happen if you ignore strong arguments against your case. Instead list out the strong arguments and address them one by one.

If you have a clear conflict of interest, state it immediately. Admit you may not be the most objective.

Don’t oversell weak arguments.

State your assumptions clearly.


If you are making a presentation with no feedback, a memorandum is the best medium. Or a formal meeting. If you want immediate feedback, do an informal meeting or a phone call.


Data Based

Know the standards your audience accepts when presenting evidence. Give specific examples.

Specific Examples

Direct Experience: Demonstrations

Give direct examples that they can see or perceive.

Personal Testimony

If you cannot do this, bring in people who have and they can testify to it.

Social Proof

Utilize social proof (“everyone knows”).

tags : woo