Tag woo

Close The Sale: Commitments and Politics

Pilot projects: If the buzz is positive, then early setbacks are seen as expected. But if the buzz is negative, then each new problem...

Make it Memorable: The Personal Touch

There are really two audiences: The rational calculator and the intuitive decision maker. If you don’t make your ideas accessible to the...

State Your Case: The Proposal

The two most reliable ways to persuade people: Offer them solid reasons to say “yes” Back those reasons up. You don’t need to do much if...

Give Them Incentives To Say Yes: Interests and Needs

Don’t assume people know what they want or need. Be prepared to educate them if you sense this is the case. Ask yourself: Why might it...

Respect Their Beliefs: A Common Language

Nervous or unconfident people tend to focus exclusively on their message rather than getting a feel of what the other person is...

Build Relationships and Credibility: Trust

The five barriers: Lack of relationships Poor credibility Miscommunication Contrary beliefs Conflicting interests Credibility is not...

Connect Your Ideas to People: Stepping Stones

A Technique For Producing Ideas He took this from James Webb Young’s book: A Technique For Creating Ideas. Strongly recommends the book....

Start With You: Persuasion Styles

Six persuasion channels: Channel 1: Interest Based Persuasion Any time someone frames a sales pitch in terms of the other person’s...

Selling Ideas: How Woo Works

There are usually four steps: Survey your situation Confront the five barriers Make your pitch Secure your commitments You must form a...